commercial vehicle market weak sales of half of the decline?-尊龙凯时官方下载

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commercial vehicle market weak sales of half of the decline?

2013-8-15 9:53:26heavy truck fuan da fuan da 【font: 】  comment:

almost be regarded as "perpetual motion machine" of the chinese car market eventually started to show. according to china's auto industry association figures, april auto sales dropped 0.25% year-on-year. although the ratio small, but it is the world's first big car market nearly 27 months since the first appear negative growth. china's auto industry rises above the clouds a group, a sudden rise myth is coming to an end?

the overall sales of digital behind more to reveal the truth. auto sales market by car and commercial vehicle two parts. april passenger car sales grew 2.79% yoy, commercial vehicle sales are up 7.84% decline. this means that, china's auto sales down the turning point, is mainly because of the commercial vehicle market to atrophy. an important reason for the ministry of communications is introduced new commercial vehicle fuel consumption access standard.

department of transportation requirements from this year on march 1 strictly carry out the road transport vehicle fuel consumption detection and the measures for the supervision and administration, operating agencies will be on the basis of the standard model table "check the commercial vehicles. not in the list of vehicles can't get yingyunzheng. at present many of the commercial market sales models can't standard so as to lead to reduce production. but the market supply and demand structure itself did not produce great change, as the truck manufacturers declared, and improve models positive fuel consumption, the policy's impact on sales will gradually ease.

passenger car sales so small increases in china's market is not common. according to the analysis, growth slowed in april the key reason is mini bus sales then. in the small cars purchases duty reduction, auto fields subsidies, to old change such as new car consumption policy stop drum excitation, the guest sales affected by this are very obvious. april the guest year-on-year sales by 10.45%. over the same period, gm sales in china for the first time the drop, is because its sales than patients from a main type in the coach of sgmw.

at the same time, the quake on the japanese car manufacturers supply chain system of defeat and lead to toyota, honda and nissan's joint venture in china vehicle production factory. this led directly to april the japanese brand cars in china sales year-on-year fell more than 3%. according to toyota (china) investment co., ltd. on may 11, issued in the east big earthquake in japan to the influence of the toyota china business ", the fastest vehicle factory in china should wait until it early june can resume normal life when production level.

thus, china's automotive industry related policy changes, japan earthquake such causal factors bring indirect effects, both of these forces led to the china's car market a screeching halt.

this year china's gdp growth target is 9.8%, which is still embody china's economic environment of the good development. at present china auto possession of about one thousand people 60 cars, there are quite a space of ascension. along with the advancement of rural urbanization, and the common people's consumption upgrade phenomenon, the automobile consumption demand of rigid still exist. although small cars purchases duty reduction, auto fields subsidies, to old change such as new stimulus to stop, but 1.6 liters and the following passenger cars can still enjoy the energy saving car allowance. this year the future market trends will still be policy guidance. on one hand, auto possession of baofashi growth cause some social problems, need cooling control. but on the other hand, the automobile consumption is still expanding domestic demand economic development strategy important component. 2011 years of automotive market will not sudden stop growing, will keep the rate of growth of around 10%.

"in 2009, 2010 chinese car market to the global growth this year, surprised the slowdown in sales is no doubt is normal." consultation management company bosch senior manager of pengbo told reporters.

although  china's auto sales won't appear throughout the year is great changes, but don't mean cars industry pattern immutable. along with market growth slowed, industrial policy adjustment, the independent brand's survival pressure sharply, april sales situation has fully reflected the changes. according to china's auto industry association, passenger car market in april, the independent brand sales dropped by 19.28% month-on-month, year-on-year drop of 0.19%. by the end of april, passenger car market independent product brand accumulative total sales grew 2.07%, below the market level. and its market share compared to the same period last year also reduced. at the same time, the joint venture the independent brand of accelerating the beijing auto policy and other cities may be on the introduction of the similar provisions, makes the independent brand face more serious competition environment.

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