special car company layout energy saving weeks in advance-尊龙凯时官方下载

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special car company layout energy saving weeks in advance

2013-8-15 9:53:54heavy truck fuan da fuan da 【font: 】  comment:

recently, special vehicle company pre-decide the energy saving weeks scheme, tries to energy conservation work better.

the plan this year's energy conservation publicity week activity theme is "energy saving my action, low carbon new life", the time of the event for june 11, to june 17,. energy saving zhou publicity activities to advocate energy saving, low carbon, the green production, lifestyles and consumption patterns as its key points.

one is scheduled for june 14 development "experience of the energy shortage day" activities, activities the day closed air conditioning, office lighting, workshop lighting, fountains and other facilities; advocate to sit bus; 2 it is the bushi arrange special air conditioning intake filter region for cleaning, for air conditioning temperature setting checked, guarantee the strict execution according to the national standards, and shall not be lower than 26 鈩�, summer is not higher than 20 鈩� in winter, air conditioning temperature setting will in future energy assessment into one of the major indexes of the; three is to reduce the water pump outlet pressure of tap water, fell 0.1 kilograms of water pressure, and every day the company can reduce water 15 to 20 cubic, plan in energy saving the water during the week pressure setting in 3.4 kg, depending on the south during the third floor office building water pressure do small revaluation, water pressure setting for future appropriate node; four is in energy saving campaign, according to the energy saving theme activities this year for banners exhibition and promotion; carry out "i offered a strategy for energy conservation and emission reduction" activities to train staff awareness of energy construction worker actively participate in good atmosphere; five is organizing a energy-saving knowledge will puzzle activity, to reward the correct answer on the site. six is with the workshop will sign a energy-saving agreement.

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