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deepening the mechanism and system innovation improve international level

2013-8-15 9:55:22heavy truck fuan da fuan da 【font: 】  comment:

cnhtc's group 2011 annual leading cadres doushuban sure general development

deepening the mechanism and system innovation improve international level

on july 25, cnhtc's group at the 2011 annual meeting of leading cadres doushuban summary, chairman, secretary of the party committee machunji stressed that the group all cadres and workers with comrade hu jintao's at celebrate the ninetieth anniversary of the founding of the communist party of china on the important speech for guiding spirit, the comparison of second venture great project requirements, further enhance the sense of urgency, the sense of responsibility and mission, with even more fierce competitiveness, more full of enthusiasm, scientific operation, vigorously promotes the measures to implement, and actively promote mechanism system innovation, and advance internationalized process, the comprehensive development "second pioneering" great project, and create new advantages cnhtc's development.

machunji said, 2011 annual group company leading cadres doushuban main task is to: seriously study comrade hu jintao in celebrating the ninetieth anniversary of the founding of the communist party of china on the important speech spirit, with the construction goal of internationalized enterprises, combined with the enterprise actual, aiming at the international advanced level, looking for gap, it measures, the comprehensive implementation "the second pioneering" great project, further unified thought, heart of gather force, create cnhtc's new advantage and realize cnhtc's new brilliance. in this doushuban, listen to the marketing experts sun kai professor huawei company development course of "internationalization is the enterprise promoting road" of the seminar. you combine their work and compared to the international standard, implementation of second venture great project, speaks freely, stated views. can say the doushuban fully prepare to speak warmly, schedule. group company departments and units should with comrade hu jintao important speech as a guide, with high morale and much more full spiritual world, and join in positively the enterprise reform, development and innovation work, hardworking, the solid work, the task completion goal this year, for next year's development well prepared.

combined with international and implementation of second venture great project, machunji stressed:

a, improve the internationalization level is the second pioneering the important strategic goals.

with the world economic globalization is speeding up, any country to progress development must be involved in the economic globalization process. as the main body of the national economy enterprise, to realize the development, also must want to walk road of the economic globalization. from cnhtc's own terms, through reform, reorganization ten years of development, the enterprise has grown, we also more and more deeply into the internationalization process, from a technical research and development to the global purchasing raw materials, on the management concept to the talent team construction, and the international market has a very close relation. although we have to the international market, and will be internationalization strategy to ascend to the enterprise development strategy is the head of the big four, but overall, our international level is not high, and the international advanced enterprise than there is a huge gap. group company "1025" plan was put forward by the world, and aiming at the international goal, cnhtc's construction to be a famous international and domestic irreplaceable large commercial vehicle enterprise group. therefore, internationalization is more for sinotruk it is of great strategic significance. therefore, this time the international doushuban as the key points of discussion.

(a) fully understand the significance of the internationalization.

first, the internationalization is the history of the economic development in china is inevitable. second, cnhtc's is the history of a history of the development of the international cooperation. cnhtc's 50 years of development history we come to realize, only into international, in order to constantly after the world advanced level, the promotion product, eventually improve the core competitive power, internationalization is the enterprise do optimal bigger way is in the global situation of development shortcuts. third, internationalization is the way, turn the important content of the structure. fourth, internationalization is "1025" development the objective request, is of second venture of clear objectives. this year is "1025" planning the beginning of, the group company "1025" development goals of clearly put, heavy card quality to achieve the world advanced level, and at the same time to create a level of ability of commercial vehicle enterprise, and annual sales income amounted to 200 billion yuan, and strive to enter the world 500 strong. to achieve this goal, we must improve the enterprise internationalization level. if we meet in the leading position in the trade in china and sally jenkins, we grow old by deserting our ideas, not study hard international advanced heavy card product of the enterprise technology, technology, management, will be the world heavy card advanced enterprise more fell more far, that our product quality can not be reached the advanced world level. from the enterprise business scale speaking, the domestic market capacity is limited, if not "going out", and actively explore the international market, then realize we "millions of cars, 200 billion" the goal was little of the foundation. therefore, we must take a hard look at its own gap, learn the world first-class enterprise of advanced technology, management experience, and to enhance the international level, enhance core competitiveness, and in the international operation forward on a more solid pace.

(2) control international standards, cnhtc's existing gap and problems.

one is the knowledge gap. internationalization is not a simple product export, is more enterprise level problem; not only to solve the problem of product promotion, more to solve the management mechanism of the need to adapt to the international problem; and deeper gap, such as product brand, commercial vehicle international awareness, and the whole business philosophy of huge gap. second, in the international market development, both product competitiveness, and from dependence on the low price to rely on technology quality advantages capture the international market of the transformation of work space, more international market network construction and operation mode of the gap between the whole. three is the product technology quality level is not high consistency. four is overseas market development in the process, the overseas laws and regulations, the understanding of the authentication and so on foreign technology still do not reach the designated position. five is the enterprise management level huge gap, become the form, baiyangzi problem is more, in improving the level space is enormous. six is talents adapt to the international requirements are different. whether the international market development talent, product development talents, technology research and development personnel, or management personnel are very few. more important is, so far, the internationalized personnel ascension, introduction mechanism have not form. this is our compared with the international enterprise the largest gap.

overall see, since the reform, we have large international process in progress, is in the leading position, but with the international level than, the gap is huge, there are still a lot of will to rise.

(3) improve the overall requirements of internationalization and the main task

overall demand is to give the increase of internationalization level as urgent key work, a long-term strategic task, second pioneering the important content and the practical action, innovation mode, forms the system, adhere to the international cooperation cnhtc's characteristics, the international competition, international market network construction, promote the internationalization level pathway.

internationalization is the main task of the:

1. through the cooperation with germany's man in product design, procurement management, manufacturing, quality level and other aspects's products with each of mark, follow the world leading technology level, ensure that heavy card products reach the international advanced level; medium, light, guest, special and engineering machinery to create conditions to ensure that meet the domestic first-class level, strive to close to the advanced international level, all kinds of products to reach the batch exported.

2. the export ratio: after "the 1025" efforts, heavy card products export to ensure that reached about 30%, the other products 10%-20%.

3. the international market network level: increase overseas network construction speed and intensity, constructing kd, modification, distribution, accessories, after-sales service and information network, to "1025" ensuring that make 100000 cars, strive to reach 150000 heavy vehicle international marketing network system.

4. technology management level: adhere to the independent innovation, walk the introduction, digestion, absorption and create a new way, to the 1025, form cnhtc's product independent research and development system. heavy card product international market of technical information capture ability, independent research and development ability and the innovation ability have increased significantly.

5. advanced management idea application: to summarize cnhtc's reform and development of experience in national characteristics and state-owned enterprise culture, to learn from foreign advanced management mode, the formation of new management features cnhtc's advantage.

6. international talent: through and's cooperation and communication, and develop existing technology research and development, technology application personnel's service quality and innovation ability, the bold exploration, the initiative innovation, form the competition and the incentive has both active growing mechanisms. through the competition and incentives, and can not only to attract talents and learning, research and development, improve yourself, make the internationalized personnel standards, and establish evaluation system, create new advantages of international talent team.

around the goal, to form in the red-chip listed international platform, and on the basis of actively explore new offshore financing channels. developing joint venture cooperation, try to overcome the internationalization of the international business operation bring risk. independent intellectual property rights protection, cultivate the international brand, strive to at the end of the 1025 in 30 countries establish cnhtc's good brand image, and gradually realize the target enterprise internationalization.

two, the mechanism and system innovation is the realization of second venture the fundamental guarantee of target.

mechanism and system innovation is to realize the sustainable development of enterprise inevitable requirement, promote enterprise self-realization perfect important method, also is improving the core competitive power of enterprise is the most effective guarantee. only in the mechanism system reform innovation malicious hard, can change enterprise development mode, and always aimed at international goal, optimize the structure of products, optimize production business model to improve overall quality level, improve efficiency level, and improve enterprise management quality, and raise the overall staff quality, create new advantages for enterprise development. can say, realize the comprehensive promotion, to reach the international requirements must be in system and mechanism innovation, must have a new development team, the 2 o 'clock is the fundamental guarantee of second venture.

three, the current several key work

(a) best institution after adjustment of the work. recently, we according to the needs of the development of the group company, some of the organizations and system level 2 company is adjusted, and the adjusting for "second pioneering" provides strong organizational guarantee. hope to adjust the unit of adjustment in place as soon as possible, make good internal operation system, scientific work arrangements, as soon as possible into normal to orbit.

(2) the best man project work.

(3) to continue to push the personnel system reform. since last year, hired back at work, non-leadership categories promotion system and a series of personnel system reform full implementation of system, the effect is remarkable. the next step will further expand the scope of promotion, and gradually deepening, enhance the scientific nature of the system, form a truly competitive, income on promotion by contribution situation. one is to further improve the cadre ranks floating management, continue to implement performance appraisal system, promotion non-leadership categories promotion system, to continue doing a good cadre selection and an open back at work; second, strengthen employee training dynamics, give full play to the site training workstation, network training institute etc training organization's role. three is focusing on international personnel training and a comprehensive introduction, digestion, absorption and create new at the same time, the introduction of foreign quality culture, management culture and yanxi style of work, and in the process of the construction to the international advanced enterprise positive learning, comprehensively promotes enterprise internationalization level.

(4) earnestly implement the reform of the income distribution system good guidance, and continuously enhance the enterprise comprehensive strength.

(5) the main unit should strengthen the marketing network construction. in the middle of july, we held a half year marketing work, to the next step in detail arrangement deployment, around the internet to do best and stronger, and to improve the "four capacity", create four big system "and realize the information technology" a line the "new development. each unit to the above targets measures to carry out specific decomposition, best all work of the second half.

(6) to build international import and export system marketing system. adhere to the "6 1" mode, the key around "four system, four ability, a brand" comprehensive work. to establish the international sale system, the modification system, kd system, parts service network system; improve the development of the key customer maintenance ability to ascend around international market development, the government relations handling capacity, the international market the catch ability, international marketing crisis prevention processing power, make cnhtc's international brand and realizing the brand goal.

(7) manufacturing units to improve the level of product quality, quality level. the first stage of second venture quality the goal of ascension is: until the end of september, large-scale destroy after-sales quality problem; before the end of the year has obvious landmark achievement; by the end of march next year that positive effect in the user, the market play obvious role. the manufacturing unit to achieve optimal adjustment mechanism, the after-sales service quality responsibility to implement unit, fulfil person; to implement rank dynamic management, the establishment of a "quality door" system, implement 7 of the quality management system, refining quality process, and carry out quality research promotion activities; put the quality assessment implement secondary unit to group members, also assigned to specific operating post, ensure quality goal.

(8) actively promote enterprise's production organization innovation. earnestly implement the guiding opinions and optimize logistics reform work, each unit according to the three stages of goals, based on reality, strengthen management, follow from point to area, first after yi and advance step by step, difficult to ensure that the principles of effectiveness, innovative logistics management model, make great efforts to enhance logistics field management level, make with cnhtc's characteristics as soon as possible, the domestic leading modern logistics system, to realize and the rapid and provide strong support.

machunji finally points out, the current, and the production and business operation of the abnormal onerous task. recently, all group leadership needs to a system project as soon as possible, the deep troubleshooting, formulate measures as soon as possible. each unit will intensify efforts to work, it is to should ensure finish after the adjustment indicator; 2 from now to study the problem of otsuki next year, and the production and business operation on arrangement fully consider the uncertainty, ready for next year's development, in the light of second venture of requirements, completes the arrangement, implementation.

the general manager at the meeting the important speech, and the product structure adjustment and progress, the second half of this year the key work of deployment. deputy secretary of the party committee weizhihai preside over the meeting, and the implementation of the conference spirit made an arrangement.

group company leadership wanghaotao, wangguangxi, yuyoude, tongjingen, wangshanpo, liguoxian, liu wei and jinan area above the deputy leadership attended the event, the field all level 2 company took part in the video conference leadership.

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